Type | Block State Name | Valid Values | Description |
Boolean | age_bit | True, False | Determines if saplings should grow |
Integer | age | 0 - 15 | Represents the age of the block |
String | portal_axis | unknown, x, z | Determines the orientation of portal blocks |
Identifier | Full ID | Short ID |
villager_v2 | 16778099 | 115 |
cat | 21323 | 75 |
cow | 4875 | 11 |
turtle | 4938 | 74 |
chicken | 4874 | 10 |
pig | 4876 | 12 |
sheep | 4877 | 13 |
shulker | 2870 | 54 |
wandering_trader | 886 | 118 |
wolf | 21262 | 14 |
villager | 16777999 | 15 |
mooshroom | 4880 | 16 |
squid | 8977 | 17 |
rabbit | 4882 | 18 |
bat | 33043 | 19 |
minecart | 524372 | 84 |
iron_golem | 788 | 20 |
snow_golem | 789 | 21 |
ocelot | 21270 | 22 |
horse | 2118423 | 23 |
llama | 4893 | 29 |
polar_bear | 4892 | 28 |
parrot | 21278 | 30 |
dolphin | 8991 | 31 |
guardian | 2865 | 49 |
panda | 4977 | 113 |
husk | 199471 | 47 |
tropicalfish | 9071 | 111 |
wither_skeleton | 1116976 | 48 |
cod | 9072 | 112 |
zombie_villager | 199468 | 44 |
pufferfish | 9068 | 108 |
witch | 2861 | 45 |
salmon | 9069 | 109 |
donkey | 2118424 | 24 |
mule | 2118425 | 25 |
skeleton_horse | 2186010 | 26 |
zombie_horse | 2186011 | 27 |
hopper_minecart | 524384 | 96 |
zombie | 199456 | 32 |
stray | 1116974 | 46 |
drowned | 199534 | 110 |
creeper | 2849 | 33 |
skeleton | 1116962 | 34 |
spider | 264995 | 35 |
zombie_pigman | 68388 | 36 |
slime | 2853 | 37 |
enderman | 2854 | 38 |
silverfish | 264999 | 39 |
evocation_illager | 2920 | 104 |
cave_spider | 265000 | 40 |
vex | 2921 | 105 |
ghast | 2857 | 41 |
magma_cube | 2858 | 42 |
blaze | 2859 | 43 |
wither | 68404 | 52 |
zombie_villager_v2 | 199540 | 116 |
pillager | 2930 | 114 |
elder_guardian | 2866 | 50 |
ender_dragon | 2869 | 53 |
endermite | 265015 | 55 |
vindicator | 2873 | 57 |
phantom | 68410 | 58 |
ravager | 2875 | 59 |
player | 319 | 63 |
tnt_minecart | 524385 | 97 |
chest_minecart | 524386 | 98 |
command_block_minecart | 524388 | 100 |
item | 64 | 64 |
tnt | 65 | 65 |
falling_block | 66 | 66 |
moving_block | 67 | 67 |
xp_bottle | 4194372 | 68 |
xp_orb | 69 | 69 |
eye_of_ender_signal | 70 | 70 |
ender_crystal | 71 | 71 |
shulker_bullet | 4194380 | 76 |
fishing_hook | 77 | 77 |
dragon_fireball | 4194383 | 79 |
arrow | 12582992 | 80 |
snowball | 4194385 | 81 |
egg | 4194386 | 82 |
painting | 83 | 83 |
shield | 117 | 117 |
thrown_trident | 12582985 | 73 |
fireball | 4194389 | 85 |
splash_potion | 4194390 | 86 |
ender_pearl | 4194391 | 87 |
leash_knot | 88 | 88 |
wither_skull | 4194393 | 89 |
wither_skull_dangerous | 4194395 | 91 |
boat | 90 | 90 |
lightning_bolt | 93 | 93 |
small_fireball | 4194398 | 94 |
llama_spit | 4194406 | 102 |
area_effect_cloud | 95 | 95 |
lingering_potion | 4194405 | 101 |
evocation_fang | 4194407 | 103 |
armor_stand | 317 | 61 |
fireworks_rocket | 72 | 72 |
agent | 312 | 56 |
ice_bomb | 4194410 | 106 |
balloon | 107 | 107 |
chalkboard | 78 | 78 |
npc | 307 | 51 |
tripod_camera | 318 | 62 |
Name |
minecraft:tripwire_hook |
minecraft:air |
minecraft:noteblock |
minecraft:gravel |
minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp |
minecraft:stone |
minecraft:golden_rail |
minecraft:gold_block |
minecraft:bedrock |
minecraft:turtle_egg |
minecraft:element_72 |
minecraft:oak_stairs |
minecraft:element_7 |
minecraft:grass |
minecraft:detector_rail |
minecraft:planks |
minecraft:dark_oak_pressure_plate |
minecraft:dirt |
minecraft:coal_ore |
minecraft:diamond_block |
minecraft:cobblestone |
minecraft:element_12 |
minecraft:lava |
minecraft:dark_oak_trapdoor |
minecraft:element_63 |
minecraft:double_stone_slab2 |
minecraft:slime |
minecraft:stonebrick |
minecraft:sapling |
minecraft:cauldron |
minecraft:flowing_water |
minecraft:spruce_pressure_plate |
minecraft:piston |
minecraft:stained_glass |
minecraft:water |
minecraft:flowing_lava |
minecraft:furnace |
minecraft:element_81 |
minecraft:sand |
minecraft:gold_ore |
minecraft:wooden_door |
minecraft:tallgrass |
minecraft:iron_ore |
minecraft:underwater_torch |
minecraft:web |
minecraft:log |
minecraft:element_47 |
minecraft:stripped_oak_log |
minecraft:leaves |
minecraft:ladder |
minecraft:yellow_flower |
minecraft:element_113 |
minecraft:sponge |
minecraft:sweet_berry_bush |
minecraft:birch_fence_gate |
minecraft:standing_sign |
minecraft:monster_egg |
minecraft:glass |
minecraft:conduit |
minecraft:element_43 |
minecraft:lapis_ore |
minecraft:spruce_button |
minecraft:bookshelf |
minecraft:bed |
minecraft:element_79 |
minecraft:powered_comparator |
minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate |
minecraft:lapis_block |
minecraft:element_116 |
minecraft:stripped_acacia_log |
minecraft:spruce_door |
minecraft:dispenser |
minecraft:wheat |
minecraft:diamond_ore |
minecraft:sandstone |
minecraft:obsidian |
minecraft:wool |
minecraft:brick_block |
minecraft:reeds |
minecraft:sticky_piston |
minecraft:deadbush |
minecraft:dried_kelp_block |
minecraft:pistonArmCollision |
minecraft:red_flower |
minecraft:green_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:brown_mushroom |
minecraft:red_mushroom |
minecraft:spruce_fence_gate |
minecraft:iron_block |
minecraft:stone_slab |
minecraft:double_stone_slab |
minecraft:rail |
minecraft:tnt |
minecraft:mossy_cobblestone |
minecraft:quartz_stairs |
minecraft:torch |
minecraft:mob_spawner |
minecraft:lava_cauldron |
minecraft:element_82 |
minecraft:chest |
minecraft:jungle_standing_sign |
minecraft:element_41 |
minecraft:redstone_wire |
minecraft:crafting_table |
minecraft:element_39 |
minecraft:dark_oak_door |
minecraft:farmland |
minecraft:lit_furnace |
minecraft:stone_stairs |
minecraft:wall_sign |
minecraft:lever |
minecraft:stone_pressure_plate |
minecraft:element_48 |
minecraft:iron_door |
minecraft:redstone_ore |
minecraft:lectern |
minecraft:lit_redstone_ore |
minecraft:unlit_redstone_torch |
minecraft:red_nether_brick_stairs |
minecraft:redstone_torch |
minecraft:stone_button |
minecraft:snow_layer |
minecraft:brown_mushroom_block |
minecraft:ice |
minecraft:snow |
minecraft:cactus |
minecraft:element_88 |
minecraft:command_block |
minecraft:clay |
minecraft:jukebox |
minecraft:fence |
minecraft:pumpkin |
minecraft:acacia_door |
minecraft:nether_brick_stairs |
minecraft:netherrack |
minecraft:log2 |
minecraft:soul_sand |
minecraft:glowstone |
minecraft:portal |
minecraft:lit_pumpkin |
minecraft:beetroot |
minecraft:cake |
minecraft:unpowered_repeater |
minecraft:powered_repeater |
minecraft:invisibleBedrock |
minecraft:coral_fan_hang3 |
minecraft:acacia_stairs |
minecraft:trapdoor |
minecraft:jungle_door |
minecraft:red_mushroom_block |
minecraft:iron_bars |
minecraft:coral |
minecraft:chain_command_block |
minecraft:glass_pane |
minecraft:element_114 |
minecraft:melon_block |
minecraft:coral_fan_hang2 |
minecraft:emerald_block |
minecraft:pumpkin_stem |
minecraft:chemical_heat |
minecraft:melon_stem |
minecraft:vine |
minecraft:element_84 |
minecraft:standing_banner |
minecraft:fence_gate |
minecraft:element_106 |
minecraft:brick_stairs |
minecraft:stone_brick_stairs |
minecraft:mycelium |
minecraft:waterlily |
minecraft:smooth_stone |
minecraft:nether_brick |
minecraft:sandstone_stairs |
minecraft:nether_brick_fence |
minecraft:element_107 |
minecraft:nether_wart |
minecraft:element_94 |
minecraft:enchanting_table |
minecraft:brewing_stand |
minecraft:purpur_block |
minecraft:end_portal |
minecraft:end_portal_frame |
minecraft:element_4 |
minecraft:end_stone |
minecraft:fletching_table |
minecraft:element_13 |
minecraft:dragon_egg |
minecraft:loom |
minecraft:granite_stairs |
minecraft:redstone_lamp |
minecraft:dropper |
minecraft:activator_rail |
minecraft:coral_block |
minecraft:cocoa |
minecraft:wood |
minecraft:emerald_ore |
minecraft:hard_stained_glass_pane |
minecraft:observer |
minecraft:ender_chest |
minecraft:info_update |
minecraft:unpowered_comparator |
minecraft:tripWire |
minecraft:spruce_stairs |
minecraft:birch_stairs |
minecraft:stonecutter_block |
minecraft:jungle_stairs |
minecraft:coral_fan_hang |
minecraft:element_90 |
minecraft:beacon |
minecraft:cobblestone_wall |
minecraft:flower_pot |
minecraft:carrots |
minecraft:potatoes |
minecraft:wooden_button |
minecraft:grindstone |
minecraft:skull |
minecraft:anvil |
minecraft:stone_slab4 |
minecraft:element_21 |
minecraft:trapped_chest |
minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate |
minecraft:element_25 |
minecraft:purple_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate |
minecraft:daylight_detector |
minecraft:stripped_jungle_log |
minecraft:redstone_block |
minecraft:quartz_ore |
minecraft:hopper |
minecraft:element_97 |
minecraft:quartz_block |
minecraft:wooden_slab |
minecraft:element_53 |
minecraft:double_wooden_slab |
minecraft:leaves2 |
minecraft:stained_hardened_clay |
minecraft:carved_pumpkin |
minecraft:stained_glass_pane |
minecraft:dark_oak_stairs |
minecraft:iron_trapdoor |
minecraft:prismarine |
minecraft:seaLantern |
minecraft:element_96 |
minecraft:hay_block |
minecraft:element_37 |
minecraft:carpet |
minecraft:hardened_clay |
minecraft:element_44 |
minecraft:coal_block |
minecraft:packed_ice |
minecraft:element_118 |
minecraft:chemistry_table |
minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:purpur_stairs |
minecraft:double_plant |
minecraft:wall_banner |
minecraft:daylight_detector_inverted |
minecraft:red_sandstone |
minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs |
minecraft:spruce_trapdoor |
minecraft:element_27 |
minecraft:stone_slab2 |
minecraft:jungle_fence_gate |
minecraft:dark_oak_fence_gate |
minecraft:acacia_fence_gate |
minecraft:repeating_command_block |
minecraft:birch_door |
minecraft:grass_path |
minecraft:frame |
minecraft:normal_stone_stairs |
minecraft:element_1 |
minecraft:chorus_flower |
minecraft:jungle_pressure_plate |
minecraft:undyed_shulker_box |
minecraft:element_10 |
minecraft:end_bricks |
minecraft:smoker |
minecraft:frosted_ice |
minecraft:diorite_stairs |
minecraft:structure_block |
minecraft:end_rod |
minecraft:element_16 |
minecraft:blue_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:end_gateway |
minecraft:magma |
minecraft:bell |
minecraft:stone_slab3 |
minecraft:element_26 |
minecraft:movingBlock |
minecraft:nether_wart_block |
minecraft:red_nether_brick |
minecraft:bone_block |
minecraft:structure_void |
minecraft:shulker_box |
minecraft:white_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:orange_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:light_blue_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:colored_torch_bp |
minecraft:yellow_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:element_59 |
minecraft:lime_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:pink_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:barrier |
minecraft:gray_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:silver_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:cyan_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:glowingobsidian |
minecraft:brown_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:red_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:concrete |
minecraft:acacia_trapdoor |
minecraft:concretePowder |
minecraft:scaffolding |
minecraft:element_54 |
minecraft:chorus_plant |
minecraft:podzol |
minecraft:stonecutter |
minecraft:netherreactor |
minecraft:element_34 |
minecraft:info_update2 |
minecraft:element_3 |
minecraft:reserved6 |
minecraft:element_31 |
minecraft:prismarine_stairs |
minecraft:bamboo |
minecraft:element_76 |
minecraft:dark_prismarine_stairs |
minecraft:prismarine_bricks_stairs |
minecraft:stripped_spruce_log |
minecraft:stripped_birch_log |
minecraft:cartography_table |
minecraft:stripped_dark_oak_log |
minecraft:blue_ice |
minecraft:fire |
minecraft:hard_glass |
minecraft:acacia_standing_sign |
minecraft:hard_stained_glass |
minecraft:hard_glass_pane |
minecraft:colored_torch_rg |
minecraft:element_0 |
minecraft:element_2 |
minecraft:element_5 |
minecraft:blast_furnace |
minecraft:element_6 |
minecraft:element_8 |
minecraft:element_9 |
minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs |
minecraft:element_11 |
minecraft:andesite_stairs |
minecraft:element_14 |
minecraft:element_15 |
minecraft:element_17 |
minecraft:element_18 |
minecraft:element_19 |
minecraft:element_20 |
minecraft:acacia_button |
minecraft:element_22 |
minecraft:element_23 |
minecraft:element_24 |
minecraft:element_28 |
minecraft:element_29 |
minecraft:element_30 |
minecraft:element_32 |
minecraft:element_33 |
minecraft:element_35 |
minecraft:element_36 |
minecraft:element_38 |
minecraft:element_40 |
minecraft:element_42 |
minecraft:element_45 |
minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_stairs |
minecraft:seagrass |
minecraft:element_46 |
minecraft:element_49 |
minecraft:element_50 |
minecraft:element_51 |
minecraft:sea_pickle |
minecraft:element_52 |
minecraft:element_55 |
minecraft:element_56 |
minecraft:element_57 |
minecraft:element_58 |
minecraft:element_60 |
minecraft:element_61 |
minecraft:double_stone_slab3 |
minecraft:element_62 |
minecraft:element_64 |
minecraft:double_stone_slab4 |
minecraft:element_65 |
minecraft:element_66 |
minecraft:element_67 |
minecraft:element_68 |
minecraft:element_69 |
minecraft:element_70 |
minecraft:element_71 |
minecraft:element_73 |
minecraft:element_74 |
minecraft:element_75 |
minecraft:bamboo_sapling |
minecraft:element_77 |
minecraft:element_78 |
minecraft:element_80 |
minecraft:element_83 |
minecraft:element_85 |
minecraft:element_86 |
minecraft:jungle_button |
minecraft:element_87 |
minecraft:element_89 |
minecraft:birch_pressure_plate |
minecraft:element_91 |
minecraft:element_92 |
minecraft:element_93 |
minecraft:birch_wall_sign |
minecraft:element_95 |
minecraft:element_98 |
minecraft:element_99 |
minecraft:element_100 |
minecraft:element_101 |
minecraft:element_102 |
minecraft:element_103 |
minecraft:element_104 |
minecraft:element_105 |
minecraft:element_108 |
minecraft:element_109 |
minecraft:jungle_trapdoor |
minecraft:element_110 |
minecraft:element_111 |
minecraft:element_112 |
minecraft:element_115 |
minecraft:element_117 |
minecraft:coral_fan |
minecraft:coral_fan_dead |
minecraft:kelp |
minecraft:birch_button |
minecraft:dark_oak_button |
minecraft:birch_trapdoor |
minecraft:acacia_pressure_plate |
minecraft:bubble_column |
minecraft:polished_granite_stairs |
minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs |
minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs |
minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs |
minecraft:smooth_sandstone_stairs |
minecraft:end_brick_stairs |
minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs |
minecraft:spruce_standing_sign |
minecraft:spruce_wall_sign |
minecraft:birch_standing_sign |
minecraft:smithing_table |
minecraft:jungle_wall_sign |
minecraft:acacia_wall_sign |
minecraft:darkoak_standing_sign |
minecraft:darkoak_wall_sign |
minecraft:lit_smoker |
minecraft:barrel |
minecraft:lantern |
minecraft:campfire |
minecraft:jigsaw |
minecraft:composter |
minecraft:lit_blast_furnace |
Block State Name | Type | Valid Values | Description |
age_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if saplings should grow |
age | Integer | 0 - 15 | Represents the age of the block |
attached_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a tripwire is attached to another tripwire |
portal_axis | String | unknown, x, z | Determines the orientation of portal blocks |
bite_counter | Integer | 0 - 6 | Tracks how many bites of cake have been taken |
brewing_stand_slot_a_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a bottle is shown in slot a of the brewing stand |
brewing_stand_slot_b_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a bottle is shown in slot b of the brewing stand |
furnace_on | Boolean | True, False | Defines if a furnace block is lit or not |
furnace_off | Boolean | True, False | Defines if a furnace block is off or still burning away |
brewing_stand_slot_c_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a bottle is shown in slot c of the brewing stand |
button_pressed_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a button is in the pressed state or not |
conditional_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a command block is conditional or not |
covered_bit | Boolean | True, False | Describes if a top snow block is covering another block |
damage | String | undamaged, slightly_damaged, very_damaged, broken | Determines the state of damage of an Anvil |
disarmed_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a tripwire is disarmed or not. |
door_hinge_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if door's hinge is mirrored or not |
upper_block_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a block is the upper half of an object like a door or a tall plant |
direction | Integer | 0 - 3 | Determines the North, South, East, and West direction of some blocks. 0 = South, 1 = West, 2 = North 3 = East |
end_portal_eye_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if an end portal block has an Eye in it |
explode_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a TNT block should start its explode sequence |
facing_direction | Integer | 0 - 5 | Determines the Up, Down, North, South, East, and West direction of some blocks. 0 = Down, 1 = Up, 2 = North, 3 = South, 4 = West, 5 = East |
fill_level | Integer | 0 - 6 | Determines fill level of a cauldron block |
growth | Integer | 0 - 7 | Determines the growth level of crops |
head_piece_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a block is the pillow side of a bed |
height | Integer | 0 - 7 | Determines the height of a top snow block |
infiniburn_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a block should burn infinitely |
in_wall_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a fence block is connected to a wall block |
liquid_depth | Integer | 0 - 15 | Determines the level of liquid blocks |
moisturized_amount | Integer | 0 - 7 | Determines the moisture level of crops |
no_drop_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a skull block should drop loot |
occupied_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a bed block is occupied |
open_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a door, gate, or trapdoor is open |
output_subtract_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a Comparator is set to subtract output |
output_lit_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a Comparator's output is lit |
persistent_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a leaf block is persistent |
powered_bit | Boolean | True, False | Shows when an observer or tripwire sends a redstone signal |
rail_data_bit | Boolean | True, False | Shows if a rail has a redstone signal |
rail_direction | Integer | 0 - 8 | Determines the orientation of a placed rail block |
redstone_signal | Integer | 0 - 15 | Determines the signal strength of a redstone signal |
repeater_delay | Integer | 0 - 3 | Determines the amount of delay of a repeater |
suspended_bit | Boolean | True, False | Indicates if a tripwire block is suspended |
toggle_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a hopper block is active or not |
top_slot_bit | Boolean | True, False | Shows if a slab is the top half of the block or not |
triggered_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a dispenser is triggered |
update_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a leaf block or flower block should be updated |
upside_down_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a stair block or trapdoor block is upsidedown |
vine_direction_bits | Integer | 0 - 15 | Determines the facing direction for vines, works like the facing_direction blockstate |
allow_underwater_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if a TNT block works underwater |
color_bit | Boolean | True, False | Sets if a torch is a colored torch block |
dead_bit | Boolean | True, False | Determines if coral, coral fans, or sea pickles are dead |
cluster_count | Integer | 0 - 3 | Describes how many sea pickles are in a cluster |
item_frame_map_bit | Boolean | True, False | Describes if an item frame block has a map in it |
sapling_type | String | evergreen, birch, jungle, acacia, roofed_oak | Determines the type of the sapling block |
torch_facing_direction | String | unknown, west, east, north, south, top | Determines the block that a torch is attached to in relation to its position |
drag_down | Boolean | True, False | Describes if bubble columns drag entities down or pushes them up |
turtle_egg_count | String | one_egg, two_egg, three_egg, four_egg | Determines the amount of turtle eggs in an egg block |
cracked_state | String | no_cracks, cracked, max_cracked | Determines the cracked state of turtle eggs |
ground_sign_direction | Integer | 0 - 15 | Describes the rotation of signs and standing banners |
weirdo_direction | Integer | 0 - 3 | Describes the rotation of stairs |
coral_direction | Integer | 0 - 3 | Describes the rotation of coral fans |
color | String | white, orange, magenta, light_blue, yellow, lime, pink, gray, silver, cyan, purple, blue, brown, green, red, black | Determines the color of a block like wool |
bamboo_stalk_thickness | String | thin, thick | Determines the thinkness of a bamboo stalk |
bamboo_leaf_size | String | no_leaves, small_leaves, large_leaves | Determines the size of bamboo leaves |
stability | Integer | 0 - 5 | Determines the stability of a scaffolding block |
stability_check | Boolean | True, False | Describes if a scaffolding block has been checked for stability |
wood_type | String | oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark_oak | Determines the wood type of a block |
stone_type | String | stone, granite, granite_smooth, diorite, diorite_smooth, andesite, andesite_smooth | Determines the stone type of a block |
dirt_type | String | normal, coarse | Determines the dirt type of a block |
sand_type | String | normal, red | Determines the sand type of a block |
old_log_type | String | oak, spruce, birch, jungle | Determines the wood type of some blocks |
new_log_type | String | acacia, dark_oak | Determines the wood type of some blocks |
chisel_type | String | default, chiseled, lines, smooth | Determines the pattern of quartz and purpur blocks |
old_leaf_type | String | oak, spruce, birch, jungle | Determines the leaf type of some blocks |
new_leaf_type | String | acacia, dark_oak | Determines the leaf type of some blocks |
sponge_type | String | dry, wet | Determines the type of a sponge block |
sand_stone_type | String | default, heiroglyphs, cut, smooth | Determines the pattern of a sandstone block |
tall_grass_type | String | default, tall, fern, snow | Determines the type of a tall grass block |
flower_type | String | poppy, orchid, allium, houstonia, tulip_red, tulip_orange, tulip_white, tulip_pink, oxeye, cornflower, lily_of_the_valley | Determines the type of a flower block |
stone_slab_type | String | smooth_stone, sandstone, wood, cobblestone, brick, stone_brick, quartz, nether_brick | Determines the type of some stone slab blocks |
stone_slab_type_2 | String | red_sandstone, purpur, prismarine_rough, prismarine_dark, prismarine_brick, mossy_cobblestone, smooth_sandstone, red_nether_brick | Determines the type of some stone slab blocks |
stone_slab_type_3 | String | end_stone_brick, smooth_red_sandstone, polishe_andesite, andesite, diorite, polished_diorite, granite, polished_granite | Determines the type of some stone slab blocks |
stone_slab_type_4 | String | mossy_stone_brick, smooth_quartz, stone, cut_sandstone, cut_red_sandstone | Determines the type of some stone slab blocks |
monster_egg_stone_type | String | stone, cobblestone, stone_brick, mossy_stone_brick, cracked_stone_brick, chiseled_stone_brick | Determines the stone type of a monster egg block |
stone_brick_type | String | default, mossy, cracked, chiseled, smooth | Determines the type of a stone brick block |
huge_mushroom_bits | Integer | 0 - 15 | Determines which huge mushroom block to be displayed |
wall_block_type | String | cobblestone, mossy_cobblestone, granite, diorite, andesite, sandstone, brick, stone_brick, mossy_stone_brick, nether_brick, end_brick, prismarine, red_sandstone, red_nether_brick | Determines the type of a stone used in a wall block |
double_plant_type | String | sunflower, syringa, grass, fern, rose, paeonia | Determines the type of a double plant block |
chemistry_table_type | String | compound_creator, material_reducer, element_constructor, lab_table | Determines the type of the work benches that are behind the edu features toggle |
sea_grass_type | String | default, double_top, double_bot | Determines the type of a seagrass block |
coral_color | String | blue, pink, purple, red, yellow | Determines the color of a coral block |
cauldron_liquid | String | water, lava | Determines the type of liquid in a cauldron |
hanging | Boolean | True, False | Describes if a lantern block is hanging or not |
stripped_bit | Boolean | True, False | Describes if a wood log has been stripped of bark |
coral_hang_type_bit | Boolean | True, False | Describes the type of hanging for coral fans |
attachment | String | standing, hanging, side, multiple | Determines the type of attachment used by a bell or grindstone block |
structure_void_type | String | void, air | Determines which void mode to draw for structure blocks |
structure_block_type | String | data, save, load, corner, invalid, export | Determines the state of a structure block |
Type | Name | Default Value | Description |
String | format_version | | Version of the block geometry being used. This is used to determine if backwards compatibility is needed |
String | parent | Parent model of this model | |
List | materials | #0 | List of materials used by this model |
List | elements | List of elements that make up the geometry of this block |
Type | Name | Default Value | Description |
String | name | Name of the element | |
String | parent | Name of the parent element of this element. Pivot and box positions are made relative to the parent element's pivot | |
Vector [a, b, c] | rotation | [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] | The rotation of this element about its pivot |
Vector [a, b, c] | pivot | [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] | Position in model space of the pivot point of the element. This is used as the "center" position of the element, as well as the point around which to rotate |
String | material | The material of this element if different from the block's | |
List | boxes | List of cubes that make up the geometry of this element |
Type | Name | Default Value | Description |
Vector [a, b, c] | origin | [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] | The position of the center of the box relative to the geometry |
Vector [a, b, c] | size | [ 0, 0, 0 ] | Scale of the box in the x, y and z coordinates. A typical block is of scale 1, 1, 1 |
String | material | The material of this box if different from the element's | |
List | faces | List of the 6 faces of the box. If specified, there MUST be 6 faces (front, back, left side, right side, top, bottom) |
Type | Name | Default Value | Description |
String | material | The material of this face if different from the box's | |
Vector [a, b, c, d] | uv | [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] | Texture coordinates of this face, given as min x, min y, max x, max y with values between 0.0 and 1.0 |
Decimal | rotation | 0.0 | UV Rotation of this face. Only acceptable values are 0, 90 and 270 degrees. This allows reusing a texture and just rotating it for different faces |